Installing the PageSpeed module for Nginx in Debian 9

This is a guide to installing the PageSpeed module, which is designed to automatically optimize the site by reducing the time it takes for the site to load in the browser.

Installing the Zend Guard Loader

Instructions for installing the Zend Guard Loader module in the ISPmanager5 control panel

Installing Zend Optimizer on CentOS 6.0

Instructions for installing the Zend Optimizer module on CentOS 6


Description and operation features of the server management interface - IPMI

ISPmanager5 Server Control Panel

ISPmanager is a control panel for dedicated and virtual servers, which allows you to manage various software via a web interface. It can be the creation of an unlimited number of users, web servers (Apache or nginx), as well as DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL), mail servers (Sendmail, Exim), etc.

Log management with LogRotate in CentOS 7

How to manage Log files with Logrotate CentOS 7

Log management with LogRotate on Debian 9

How to manage Log files with Logrotate on Debian 9

Log management with LogRotate on Ubuntu 16.04

How to manage Log files with Logrotate on Ubuntu 16.04

Log of WWW requests in the updated version of ISPmanager5

Information about the statistics of visits to your server

Look Glass Fornex

Checking availability and response, via our LG

Mounting ISO

Description of the virtual server image mounting procedure

MTR for Windows and Linux

Using the MTR tool as well as the tracert utility

MySQL database wizard in cPanel

Description of creating databases in 4 steps using the MySQL Database Wizard section

Nano text editor

Description of the Nano text editor

New design of the ISPmanager5 control panel

ISPmanager5 Control Panel Design Update Guide

Optimizing database tables via PhpMyAdmin

Guidelines for defragmenting table indexes in phpMyAdmin