Memcached is a software that implements a RAM caching service based on a hash table.
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Memcached is a server that stores some data in RAM with a specified lifetime. The data is accessed by a key (name). You can think of Memcached as a hash table stored on the server. It's mostly used to cache web page code, database query results, etc.
Before installing it, let's update the system:
# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
Now use the following command to install memcached and the memcache module for PHP:
# apt-get install memcached php5-memcache
Next, we check to see if the daemon is running
# netstat -tap | grep memcached
tcp 0 0 0 localhost:11211 *:* LISTEN 21488/memcached
By default, memcached port 11211 with IP: (localhost)
It is also possible to edit these settings, e.g. you want to open access from an external IP, you need to edit the memcached settings file - /etc/memcached.conf.
parameter is responsible for the IP address that the memcached daemon is listening to.
-m 256
parameter specifies how much memory to allocate for caching in megabytes.
-p 11211
standard port that the memcached daemon listens on.
Next, we need to reboot the web server to connect the memcache module
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Or restart the configuration file itself:
/etc/init.d/memcached restart
Configure the firewall for Memcached
Add the following rules to allow connections (for memcached to work):
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 11211 -m state --state NEW -m iprange --src-range -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 11211 -m state --state NEW -m iprange --src-range -j ACCEPT
open all outgoing ports
Open port 80 for all incoming connections
iptables -A INPUT -dport 80 -j ACCEPT
Open ports 22 and 5432 only for a specific IP
iptables -A INPUT -m multiport -dports 22,5432 -s IP_ADDRESS -j ACCEPT