SSH diagnostics*

If you want to know how much disk space you have and exactly what it is occupied by, you can use the following command df and du with different keys.

Command df

Find out how much and how much space we have in total:

# df -h /
File System Size Used Totally Used% Mounted to  
/dev/vda1 9.8G 3.5G 5.9G 38% /

  • Size is the total size of the disk,

  • Used - space used,

  • Available - available disk space.

Command du

Find out which directory takes the most space:

# du -hs /*
0 /bin  
100M /boot  
0 /dev  
39M /etc  
4,0K /home  
0 /lib  
0 /lib64  
16K /lost+found  
4,0K /media  
4,0K /mnt  
4,0K /mnt2  
156K /opt  
0 /proc  
128K /root  
29M /run  
0 /sbin  
4,0K /srv  
40M /swapfile  
0 /sys  
72K /tmp  
2,3G /usr  
1008M /var  


After finding a directory that takes a lot, but specifying as parameters the desired directory and see what takes up the most space.  

# du -hs /usr/*
170M /usr/bin  
4,0K /usr/etc  
4,0K /usr/games  
44K /usr/include  
582M /usr/lib  
219M /usr/lib64  
38M /usr/libexec  
869M /usr/local  
49M /usr/sbin  
412M /usr/share  
12K /usr/src  
0 /usr/tmp  

Also combine the command with others, for example grep, to output only directories larger than a gigabyte (M in the size column)

# du -hs /usr/* | grep M
170M /usr/bin  
582M /usr/lib  
219M /usr/lib64  
38M /usr/libexec  
869M /usr/local  
49M /usr/sbin  
412M /usr/share  

Command repquota

Repquota will display user quota, current status and its limit. ISPmanager considers quota by user group, so the command will look like this:

# repquota -g / | grep user21
user211 -- 254948 0 5242880 1756 0  
user212 -- 2622280 0 5242880 37930 0  
user213 -- 668776 0 5242880 35090 0 0  
user214 -- 43860 0 5242880 2507 0 0  
user215 -- 75788 0 5242880 8950 0 0  
user216 -- 24864532 0 78643200 267 0 0  
user217 -- 297576 0 5242880 1820 0  
user218 -- 129208 0 5242880 11305 0  
user219 -- 411052 0 5242880 15262 0 0  
Updated Feb. 11, 2019