Port Proxying with Rinetd

Rinetd redirects TCP connections from one IP address and port to another, with basic IP-based access control

Site load speed

Analyzing page loads on your site

After installing SSL-certificate site is displayed incorrectly

How to correct incorrectly displayed site after installing SSL certificate

Tar Archiver

Archiver installation and operation guide

Blocking users from certain countries

Examples of using GeoIp to block users from certain countries

Installing Symfony

Instructions for installing the Symfony framework for Linux

Installing Zend Optimizer on CentOS 6.0

Instructions for installing the Zend Optimizer module on CentOS 6

Securing ssh with Iptables

Description of examples of how to use Iptables

Apt package manager

Features and basic commands for working with the apt package manager

Yum Package Manager

Features and basic commands for working with the yum package manager

Limiting site load via Nginx

Description of operations with Nginx configuration file

Installing SSL certificates from LetsEncrypt in Bitrix VM

How to install a free ssl certificate from Lets Encrypt in Bitrix

Switching to HTTPS in Bitrix

Description of translating the site to HTTPS in CMS Bitrix

Switching to HTTPS in Joomla

Description of translating the site to HTTPS in CMS Joomla

Installing Sypex Dumper

Instructions for installing and configuring Sypex Dumper