Displaying errors on the screen in cPanel

How to enable or disable error display in the cPanel control panel

Error 403 forbidden on Virtual Hosting.

Causes of 403 forbidden error on shared hosting.

Error 404 Not Found on Virtual Hosting.

Causes of 404 error on shared hosting.

Error 500. SuPHP mode. File and folder permissions (chmod)

Internal Server Error. SuPHP operation mode and rights settings - Сhmod

Error log in cPanel

How to view the error log (the last 300 errors of the Apache web server) in the cPanel control panel

Nginx errors and troubleshooting

Description of the main errors and options for fixing them

Permission denied error in cPanel

Solving the Permission denied error that occurs when deleting files in cPanel

PHP error reporting options in ISPmanager5

Setting the PHP error reporting parameter value