Let's Encrypt is a non-profit certificate authority that provides free X.509 certificates for TLS encryption through an automated process designed to replace the current complex process of manually creating, verifying, signing, installing and updating certificates for secure websites. Let's Encrypt recently introduced a Wildcard certificate for your domain, now you can use ssl without wildcards for your domain and for multiple subdomains with just one SSL certificate.

This guide will work with Linux distributions such as CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian.
Installation is done using Ubuntu OS as an example, to install git on CentOS OS, you need to use package managers yum, instead of apt-get.

  • Install the acme.sh script:
cd /root  
sudo apt-get install socat git  
git clone https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh.git  
cd ./acme.sh  
./acme.sh --install

After installation, a cron job will be created for automatic certificate renewal.
You can check if the job was added by running the command:

crontab -l  

Before issuing a certificate, set Let's Encrypt as the default certification authority:

bash ./acme.sh --set-default-ca --server letsencrypt  
  • Requesting a release:
bash acme.sh --issue -d testfrnx.ru -d *.testfrnx.ru --dns --force --yes-I-know-dns-manual-mode-enough-go-ahead-please  

Instead of testfrnx.ru you must specify your domain.

  • The script will generate 2 TXT records to be added to DNS panel:
[Tue Jun 8 14:23:11 MSK 2021] Domain: '_acme-challenge.testfrnx.ru'
[Tue Jun 8 14:23:11 MSK 2021] TXT value: 'GCgAc4Q1Ur4Iv5A-SFhaZ6as-IyuIbfcm7FnUq3Qxs'
[Tue Jun 8 14:23:12 MSK 2021] Domain: '_acme-challenge.testfrnx.ru'
[Tue Jun 8 14:23:12 MSK 2021] TXT value: 'dA6AcK4oR2VOIuD_i7zdNn6RZXXBJORpZWlhDOmk96A'

When adding a record, you should add a period at the end of the record name. For example:

TXT record _acme-challenge.testfrnx.ru.  
value : "dA6AcK4oR2VOIuD_i7zdNn6RZXXBJORpZWlhDOmk96A"  
TXT record _acme-challenge.testfrnx.ru.  
value : "GCgAc4Q1Ur4Iv5A-SFhaZ6as-IyuIbfcm7FnUOq3Qxs"  


  • Checking to see if the DNS records have been updated
dig txt +short _acme-challenge.testfrnx.ru  
  • After updating the DNS, resume issuing the certificate:
bash acme.sh --renew -d testfrnx.ru -d *.testfrnx.ru --dns --force --yes-I-know-dns-manual-mode-enough-go-ahead-please  
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:45 MSK 2021] Renew: 'testfrnx.ru'
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:46 MSK 2021] Using CA: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:46 MSK 2021] Multi domain='DNS:testfrnx.ru,DNS:*.testfrnx.ru'
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:46 MSK 2021] Getting domain auth token for each domain
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:46 MSK 2021] Verifying: testfrnx.ru
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:50 MSK 2021] Success
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:50 MSK 2021] Verifying: *.testfrnx.ru
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:54 MSK 2021] Success
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:54 MSK 2021] Verify finished, start to sign.
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:54 MSK 2021] Lets finalize the order.
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:54 MSK 2021] Le_OrderFinalize='https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/finalize/126277849/10255533047'
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:55 MSK 2021] Downloading cert.
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:55 MSK 2021] Le_LinkCert='https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/cert/03b7103ef19e6ed4f7ed37a88639dfc16fda'
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:56 MSK 2021] Cert success.
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:56 MSK 2021] Your cert is in /root/.acme.sh/testfrnx.ru/testfrnx.ru.cer 
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:56 MSK 2021] Your cert key is in /root/.acme.sh/testfrnx.ru/testfrnx.ru.key 
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:56 MSK 2021] The intermediate CA cert is in /root/.acme.sh/testfrnx.ru/ca.cer 
[Tue Jun 8 15:26:56 MSK 2021] And the full chain certs is there: /root/.acme.sh/testfrnx.ru/fullchain.cer 

After issuing the certificates, they need to be added to the domain.

To enable Hestia CP to add the certificates, rename them using the following commands:

mv /root/.acme.sh/testfrnx.ru_ecc/ca.cer /root/.acme.sh/testfrnx.ru_ecc/testfrnx.ru.ca  

mv /root/.acme.sh/testfrnx.ru_ecc/fullchain.cer /root/.acme.sh/testfrnx.ru_ecc/testfrnx.ru.crt  

Replace testfrnx.ru with your domain name.

  • Add the issued certificates to the domain:
v-add-web-domain-ssl USER testfrnx.ru /root/.acme.sh/testfrnx.ru_ecc/  


  • USER — the user who owns the domain,

  • testfrnx.ru — your domain,

  • /root/.acme.sh/testfrnx.ru_ecc/ — the path to the certificates.

If a certificate was already installed for the domain, update it with the new one:

v-update-web-domain-ssl USER testfrnx.ru /root/.acme.sh/testfrnx.ru_ecc/  

Adding a Wildcard SSL Certificate for a Subdomain

  • Copy the domain's Wildcard SSL certificate:
cp /home/USER/conf/web/testfrnx.ru/ssl/testfrnx.ru.ca /home/USER/conf/web/testfrnx.ru/ssl/sub.testfrnx.ru.ca  

cp /home/USER/conf/web/testfrnx.ru/ssl/testfrnx.ru.crt /home/USER/conf/web/testfrnx.ru/ssl/sub.testfrnx.ru.crt  

cp /home/USER/conf/web/testfrnx.ru/ssl/testfrnx.ru.key /home/USER/conf/web/testfrnx.ru/ssl/sub.testfrnx.ru.key  
  • Add the certificates to the subdomain using the command:
v-add-web-domain-ssl USER sub.testfrnx.ru /home/USER/conf/web/testfrnx.ru/ssl/  
  • Remove the previously copied certificates:
rm /home/USER/conf/web/testfrnx.ru/ssl/sub.testfrnx.ru.ca  

rm /home/USER/conf/web/testfrnx.ru/ssl/sub.testfrnx.ru.crt  

rm /home/USER/conf/web/testfrnx.ru/ssl/sub.testfrnx.ru.key  

To update the certificates you need to run this command after 90 days, update the TXT dns record as below:

acme.sh --issue -d testfrnx.ru -d *.testfrnx.ru --dns --force --yes-I-know-dns-manual-mode-enough-go-ahead-please  

Where testfrnx.ru is your domain name.


Automatically update let's encrypt certs with a Cron job, add this daily cron to check auto-update:

0 0 * * * * * "/root/.acme.sh"/acme.sh --cron --home "/root/.acme.sh" > /dev/null  

You can check if the certificate is installed correctly using this [service] (https://www.leaderssl.ru/tools/ssl_checker).


If you have difficulty setting up or have additional questions, you can always contact our support team via ticket system.

Updated Dec. 13, 2024