Setting up OpenVPN on Ubuntu
Instructions for setting up an OpenVPN VPN connection on Ubuntu
To configure the VPN, let's first install the Network Manager plugin for OpenVPN. To do this run the terminal "Ctrl+Alt+T " and run the command.
sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn-gnome
Confirm installation of the package and dependencies by pressing "Y "
Now you need to download the UDP or TCP configuration file from personal account.
After that, go to the import, open the network connection settings in the upper right corner of the desktop and click on "Change Connections".
In the settings window, click "Add".
Select "Import saved VPN settings".
Next you need to select the saved and edited settings file, #####.ovpn.
Where enter user name and password specified in personal account.
VPN connection is configured. You can connect through "Network Manager".
Choose "VPN Connections → New Connection Name".
If you have any questions or problems when connecting, please contact our technical support through the [tickets] system (/my/tickets/).