By default, the global MySQL encoding on shared hosting servers is set "cp1252 West European (latin1) ", this is a feature of the control panel cPanel.

To specify the encoding of your site for displaying it in the browser, go to "Files → File Manager "


Let's go to "public_html " folder.


By default, the ".htaccess " file is hidden. So let's click on the "Settings" button and put a tick mark next to "Show hidden files (dotfiles) ".


Next, select our .htaccess and click "Edit ".


In the window that will appear let's click "Disable encoding check " and click "Edit ".


Let's specify the following values at the beginning of the file:

  • If we want to use UTF-8 encoding
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8  
  • If we want to use Windows-1251 encoding
AddDefaultCharset WINDOWS-1251  


Then you can click "Save changes ".

Now go to our site and clear the browser cache by pressing "Ctrl + F5" or "Ctrl + R ". The encoding should change.

It is also worth checking which encoding is used in your database. To do this let's go into the database management utility "Databases → phpMyAdmin "


Open the desired database by clicking on its name on the left, and go to "Operations "

In the Compare field, set the same encoding as used on the site.



Now clear browser cache by pressing "Ctrl + F5" or "Ctrl + R " and check how the site displays.

Also you need to check the encoding when requesting data in your site scripts and specify the required encoding
For example for UTF-8.

mysql_query ("set_client='utf8'");  
`` mysql_query ("set character_set_results='utf8'");
mysql_query ("set collation_connection='utf8_general_ci'");  
mysql_query ("SET NAMES utf8");  
Updated April 1, 2020