Additional IP address for the Dedicated Server

Description of the procedure for ordering an additional IP-address

Caching static files in Nginx

A guide to configuring static file caching in the user's browser cache.

Configuring a redirect in Apache and Nginx

A guide to setting up redirects using Apache and Nginx configuration files

Configuring a redirect in ISPmanager5

Guidelines for setting up redirects using the ISPmanager control panel

Configuring the caching parameter in Nginx

Server-side caching is set up to get rid of running the same scripts all the time, which can sometimes take a full second to execute.

Creating a new user in ISPmanager5

Description of the procedure for creating a user in the control panel

Database Management in ISPmanager5

Guide to working with databases in the ISPmanager5 control panel

Dedicated Server Upgrade

Description of Dedicated Server customization process via personal cabinet


DNS - How do I park a domain on our NS?


Most frequently asked questions list

File Manager in ISPmanager5

With the file manager you can perform various operations with files, such as viewing, changing parameters, copying, moving, deleting, archiving and unarchiving, downloading and uploading from computer to server and vice versa, work with archives, as with normal directories.

How do I know which operating system I have?

Specifying information about the installed OS on your server

How to reset root password on VPS and Dedicated Server with CentOS 7

Description of the procedure for resetting the root password using the console and IPMI

How to reset root password on VPS and Dedicated Server with Debian and Ubuntu

Description of the procedure for resetting the root password using the console and IPMI

Importing a MySQL database via PhpMyAdmin

Description of the database import procedure via PhpMyAdmin