
Description of examples of how to use Iptables

Linux Malware Detect

Linux Malware Detect Virus Scanning Software Guide

Methods to combat spam

Description of the main methods to protect the mail server from spam

ModSecurity in cPanel

Description of the ModSecurity module, which acts as a firewall

Monitoring in the Hestia CP control panel

Hestia control panel monitoring tools

MySQL user rights and privileges in the Hosting Control Panel

Description of the procedure for assigning rights to MySQL users in the cPanel control panel and their designation

MySQL user rights and privileges in the ISPmanager5 control panel

Description of the procedure for assigning rights to MySQL users in the ISPmanager5 control panel and their designation

Nginx + GeoIP: blocking users from specific countries

Using the GeoIP module for Nginx which allows to block users from different countries

OpenDKIM + Postfix for Ubuntu

Postfix and OpenDKIM configuration instructions


A guide on how to use the utility to collect information and statistics about the processes running in the system on your server

Protecting script folders from running third-party scripts

A guide for configuring the protection of your scripts against hacking by intruders

Protecting the WordPress admin panel

Methods to protect the CMS admin panel

Protection against brutforce

Guide to protecting your server from password cracking - Brute Force attacks

Protection against port scanning using Iptables

Description of examples of how to use Iptables

Repairing damaged database tables via PhpMyAdmin

How to repair a corrupted database table via PhpMyAdmin