Domain registration

What documents are required to register a domain?

When registering .RU, .SU, .RF domains you will need to enter your data and agree to public offer.

When registering international domains "SDN verification" is initiated. In this case, after filing an application for a domain name registration, the customer will receive a message on his contact email asking him to provide copies of identification documents to the international registrar. The domain will be registered only after the data is verified by the international registrar.

If you enter knowingly wrong data when filling out the form, the domain registration rules will be violated. In such a case, the registrar company may suspend the delegation of the domain or even cancel the registration procedure.

You will not be able to:

  • defend your right to the domain if a dispute arises;
  • transfer (sell) the domain to another person;
  • transfer the domain;
  • restore the login / password for the account, in case of loss of these data

because you will not be the Administrator of this domain.

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