Installing Node.js in Ubuntu 16.04
Installation guide for the Node.js software platform in Ubuntu
Installing RSYNC
Instructions for installing and configuring Remote Synchronization (RSYNC) for data synchronization
Installing an SSL certificate on a mail domain in ISPmanager5
How to protect your mail domain with SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt using ISPmanager5 control panel
Installing an SSL certificate on a mail domain in the updated ISPmanager5 control panel design
How to protect your mail domain with SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt using ISPmanager5 control panel
Installing Sypex Dumper
Instructions for installing and configuring Sypex Dumper
Installing a free SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt in BrainyCP
Instructions on how to install an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt using the built-in plugin in the BrainyCP control panel
Installing and using the chkrootkit vulnerability scanner
Virtual Server Security Configuration Guide
Installing and using the Lynis vulnerability scanner
Virtual Server Security Configuration Guide
Installing and configuring Memcached in CentOS
A guide to installing and configuring the Memcached software in CentOS
Installing and configuring Memcached in Ubuntu
Memcached Software Installation and Configuration Guide in Ubuntu
Installing the PageSpeed module for Nginx in CentOS 7
This is a guide to installing the PageSpeed module, which is designed to automatically optimize the site by reducing the time it takes for the site to load in the browser.
Installing the PageSpeed module for Nginx in Debian 9
This is a guide to installing the PageSpeed module, which is designed to automatically optimize the site by reducing the time it takes for the site to load in the browser.
Installing the PageSpeed module for Nginx in Ubuntu 18.04
This is a guide to installing the PageSpeed module, which is designed to automatically optimize the site by reducing the time it takes for the site to load in the browser.
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