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IP address change after order restoration.
Instructions on changing the IP address after restoring the order for Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Fedora, RHEL distributions.
Changing the MySQL password-root
Description of the procedure for changing the password-root user and other MySQL users
Nano text editor
Description of the Nano text editor
Vi text editor
Description of the text editor Vi
Log management with LogRotate in CentOS 7
How to manage Log files with Logrotate CentOS 7
Installing Docker Compose in CentOS 7
Docker Compose installation guide in CentOS 7
Installing Docker in CentOS 7
Instructions for installing Docker Community Edition (CE) in CentOS 7
Installing Java
Instructions for installing and configuring the Java programming language
Installing LAMP in CentOS
Guide to installing and configuring the LAMP server software (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) for servers without a control panel installed
Installing Memcached in ISPmanager5
Installing and configuring Memcached through the ISPmanager5 control panel
Installation Munin
Instructions for installing and configuring the resource monitoring system - Munin
Installing Node.js in CentOS 7
Guide to installing the Node.js software platform in CentOS 7
Installing RSYNC
Instructions for installing and configuring Remote Synchronization (RSYNC) for data synchronization
Installing Zend Optimizer on CentOS 6.0
Instructions for installing the Zend Optimizer module on CentOS 6
Installing and configuring Fail2ban
Instructions for installing and configuring the security software for your server - Fail2ban
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