To configure the client, launch it and choose "Mail - Accounts " in the horizontal menu
If you have a list of suggested standard mail services - choose "Add another... " and in the context window click "Mail account "


In the new window let's enter the credentials for our mailbox


  • "Full name " - your name.

  • "E-mail address " - your mailbox address, this is data from "Username " field.

  • "Password " - your mailbox password.

After creating the mailbox, select the protocol for incoming mail and specify "Mail Server ", "POP3/IMAP server ", and fill in the access data (user name and password):




Let's fill in the details for outgoing mail to work (server, username, and password):


Select the created account in the window on the left and click "More... "


In the window that will appear let's specify port 993 to connect to incoming mail server check "Use SSL "


Then go to the box settings by clicking on the icon at the bottom and selecting "Edit account.... " in the context menu


In the drop-down list of outgoing mail server select "Red List of SMTP Servers... "
Go to the "Extras " section and uncheck **"Automatically detect and manage account settings" **

Let's re-fill in the necessary parameters - "Username and password", let's choose the method of "Authentication " choosing the "Password ". Also check "Use SSL " and port 465


Click "Ok " to complete the settings

Updated Aug. 23, 2018