Installing SSL certificates from LetsEncrypt in Bitrix VM
How to install a free ssl certificate from Lets Encrypt in Bitrix
Let's Encrypt is a non-profit certificate authority that provides free X.509 certificates for TLS encryption through an automated process designed to replace the current complex process of manually creating, verifying, signing, installing and updating certificates for secure websites.
You can install Bitrix using our OCA (one-click application):
Installation will be done using the official environment installer from 1C called "1C-Bitrix: Web Environment "
"1C-Bitrix: Virtual Machine" is specially configured for rapid execution of 1C-Bitrix software products: deployed in minutes and immediately ready to work!
To install the certificate, log in to the server as user root and run the script:
After adding a site through the machine menu, go through the items:
- 8. Manage pool web servers
- 3. Configure certificates
- 1. Configure Let's encrypt certificates
Specify site, dns site names, email for Lets Encrypt service notifications
Next, confirm entry.
When you check again, you will see the path to the certificates:
There are 1 sites:
SiteName | dbName | Type | S | Certificate | Key
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | dbmecmep | kernel | N | /home/bitrix/dehydrated/certs/ | /home/bitrix/dehydrated/certs/
S - Only HTTPS access to the server (N = turned off, Y = turned on)
If you have difficulty setting up or have additional questions, you can always contact our support team via ticketing system.