April 4, 2024

The list of our services now includes VPS on processors with ARM architecture. The main advantage of these CPUs is energy efficiency, which allows you to build virtual machines with a large number of cores at a lower cost. We recommend you to try and evaluate the possibilities. You can create a plan in configurator. Those CPUs are well-proven for tasks of modeling and development of engineering systems, web services and messengers, as well as data storage and processing with machine learning.

You can order a VPS on ARM with Ubuntu 22.04 preinstalled (you can also add Hestia CP) or upload your own ISO image with any Linux distribution for ARM. The list of available operating systems will be constantly growing. Please note that on VPS with ARM there is no support for Windows, as well as automatic or manual migration of projects from standard VPS or dedicated servers based on Intel (x86_64) is not available (due to differences in the architecture of the CPUs themselves).

Since not all software has been adapted for ARM yet, popular software may behave unpredictably or not work at all. In this regard, we have extended the full money back guarantee for VPS on ARM to 15 days. And also prepared a promo code ARMEDVPS15, which gives a 15% discount for the first 6 months.

If your VPS still won't be powerfull enough, we recommend you to try our ARM-based Ampere dedicated servers.