This program can be found under "Files → Web-disk "


Web-disk is a tool that works like Cloud Storage. You can manage files on your server as if the web disk were your computer's local drive.


The "Primary Web Disk account "* is the primary account in the account. This account cannot be deleted

  • Having "read and write " access to the directory for this Web Disk account will allow you to perform all supported operations in the directory.
  • Read-only "Read " access will allow this account to read, download, and select files in the directory that is assigned to this Web Disk account.

Clicking the "Configure Client Access " button will open the Web Disk Access configuration page for different OS and mobile platforms.


Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, and Windows® 10 require that "digest authentication " support be enabled to access the Web Disk through a plain text/unencrypted connection.
If the SSL certificate is signed by a trusted certificate authority on the server, and it is possible to connect via SSL on port 2078, you do not need to enable this option.

Updated Jan. 2, 2019