Installing and configuring Memcached in Ubuntu

Memcached Software Installation and Configuration Guide in Ubuntu

Installing LAMP in CentOS

Guide to installing and configuring the LAMP server software (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) for servers without a control panel installed

Installing LAMP in Debian/Ubuntu

Guide to installing and configuring the LAMP server software (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)

Installing Node.js in CentOS 7

Guide to installing the Node.js software platform in CentOS 7

Installing Node.js in Debian 9

Installation Guide for the Node.js Software Platform in Debian

Installing Symfony

Instructions for installing the Symfony framework for Linux

Installing the PageSpeed module for Nginx in CentOS 7

This is a guide to installing the PageSpeed module, which is designed to automatically optimize the site by reducing the time it takes for the site to load in the browser.

Installing the PageSpeed module for Nginx in Ubuntu 18.04

This is a guide to installing the PageSpeed module, which is designed to automatically optimize the site by reducing the time it takes for the site to load in the browser.

Installing the Zend Guard Loader

Instructions for installing the Zend Guard Loader module in the ISPmanager5 control panel

Linux commands

Examples of basic commands

Log management with LogRotate in CentOS 7

How to manage Log files with Logrotate CentOS 7

Log management with LogRotate on Debian 9

How to manage Log files with Logrotate on Debian 9

Log management with LogRotate on Ubuntu 16.04

How to manage Log files with Logrotate on Ubuntu 16.04

Nano text editor

Description of the Nano text editor

Port Proxying with Rinetd

Rinetd redirects TCP connections from one IP address and port to another, with basic IP-based access control

Setting up authorization on the server with SSH key.

Creating SSH keys for secure login to your server