You can find the name of the database that the site works with in the configuration file dbconfig.php, which is located in the directory ./engine/data/ from the root directory of the site.


Open this file, for example, via File Manager, and look for lines in it:

define ("DBNAME", "frnx_db");  

define ("PREFIX", "dle");  

The values in these lines denote the name of the database the site works with, frnx_db and the database table prefix dle_.

After that, we need to get into the database itself, through phpMyAdmin in the MySQL section

Find the right database in the list and open it

In front of us is the database with which our site works. We need to find the table with the users of our site. Its name is Prefix_users. In our case it is called dle_users


Table dle_users, which contains information about all registered users of your site, you need to find the line with your account login and open it for editing by pressing Edit button.


To change your password, find the line with the name password


  • in the Value field, delete all current characters and enter the desired password there.
  • In the Function field choose MD5 from the list.


Click Forward to save your changes.

Now you need to click the edit button again


While editing the string, we need to reuse the hash function on the already hashed password

To do that, we select the MD5 function without touching the value of the password string.


To save the changes, we press the Forward button.

Updated Sept. 29, 2024