FTP access to VPS using ISPmanager
Configuring connection to the server via FTP in the ISPmanager control panel with the FileZilla program.
Creating an FTP-user and Connecting to a server using ISPmanager5.
To connect to a VPS server, create an FTP-user in ISPmanager 5, after logging into ISPmanager control panel under the user root
Go to "Accounts → FTP-users ", click "Create "
- Name - specify the user login to access the FTP server.
- Owner - select the owner of this FTP user. This field is not available on the ISPmanager user level.
- Password - specify password for FTP access.
- Confirm - repeat password to make sure that you entered it correctly.
- Home directory - specify the FTP user's home directory. It is specified relative to the parent user's directory.
In this section you can create new users with FTP access, edit their settings or remove them, and enable or disable certain users.
Changing FTP user settings
To change the parameters of an existing FTP account, select it from the list, click "Edit " and perform the editing. In the edit form you can specify all the same data as when creating a new user, except its owner.
Uninstalling the FTP user
To delete an FTP user, select it in the list and click "Delete ". To prevent accidental deletion, the program will ask you to confirm or cancel your actions. After you click "OK ", the selected FTP user will be deleted.
Connect to the VPS server with login and password of the created user using the program (FTP client)-FileZilla.*
Launch the client and go to "Site Manager " using shortcut keys CTRL+S: Press "New Site " and fill in the fields:
- Host - the IP address of your server;
- Port - we specify the standard port of the FTP protocol - 21;
- Logon type - normal;
- User - the login of the user you created;
- Password - password of the created user;
go to the tab Transfer settings and fill in the fields:
On successful connection, you will see the following:
These instructions for the updated ISPmanager5 control panel design, available here
Connecting to a server via FTP with ISPmanager4.
By default, there is no FTP access on the issued VPS. You can create and manage FTP accounts using the ISPmanager panel.
FTP accounts are assigned to users (the root account does not have FTP access). It is not possible to see the "FTP Accounts" section when logged in as an administrator (root). To work with FTP accounts, at least one user must exist.
To set up FTP access, you need to go to the panel with the rights of the user whose FTP accounts you want to set up. To go to the level of the user, select it in the list and click "Login".
After going to the level of the selected user, you will see the control panel as that user sees it. Use the root hyperlink next to the icon of the person in the crown to get the user rights back
Note: When you create a user, an FTP account with the same name and password is also created, but if you change the user password, the password for the FTP account with the same name remains the same.