PHP error reporting options in ISPmanager5

Setting the PHP error reporting parameter value

Changing error_reporting

To set the error_reporting parameter value, use the General PHP Settings form found at "Web Server Settings → PHP → Configuration → General ".



Enable the Report all errors flag to include the E_ALL value in error_reporting. In this case the Select flags to ignore in error_reporting field will become available, with which you can add exclusion of some levels of error output (they will be excluded by means of logical operators & ~) to the parameter value


When you save the form, an entry of the form will be added to the php.ini:

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT.

Disable the Remport all errors flag, and no E_ALL value will be added to error_reporting. The Select flags for error output field will become available, with which you can add error level flags to the parameter value (they will be enabled with the | logical operator)

When you save the form, a record of the form will be added to php.ini

error_reporting = E_ERROR | E_NOTICE
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