FTP backup in the redesigned ISPmanager5 control panel

Instructions for setting up an FTP backup in the control panel

ISP Manager has a backup feature that allows you to back up all user data: sites, SSL certificates, mailboxes, databases and save them either to your local disk or to a separate FTP server.

To create and configure FTP backups, go to "Tools → Backups "

In the window that opens, specify the settings for our storage:

  • Storage type - select FTP.

In the FTP section, enter the settings for the remote FTP server where the backups will be uploaded:

  • ftp server address;
  • connection port - 21;
  • Specify the address of the folder where the server backups will be stored;
  • ftp server user name and password.

Save the entered data.


The settings will be saved, the "scheduler(cron) " will have a line in addition to the user and service tasks of ISPmanager5

/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/cron-ispmgr sbin/backup2 >/dev/null 2>&1 - ISPmanager backup task

Go to "System → Scheduler "


To edit, click "Edit ".

By default, a backup is created every day at 3am server time

In the opened section configure the time and frequency of backup creation:


We choose basic mode to simplify the scheduler setup.

  • The frequency of the task is "Daily";
  • Run at - We recommend backing up at night

Creating a copy increases the load on the server, which may cause sites to open with a delay.

Save the settings.

If you have configuration difficulties or any additional questions, you can always contact our support team via ticket system.

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