Account blocked due to mass emails

The most common reason for blocking your account


Mass mailing (SPAM) is prohibited by our Terms of Service (TOS).

3.The subscriber agrees not to use the services provided for:
- mass mailings (postal, mass placement of links, e-mail marketing, etc.) messages of advertising nature (SPAM) containing, including links to resources which are placed on the operator's facilities;

In case your site has been attacked by intruders and hacked:

  • We recommend that you check with antivirus software, for example: Lynis, Chkrootkit all your sites

Of the general security recommendations, the following points can be noted:

  • use strong passwords;
  • Try not to use the 777 rights for files/folders (the recommended permissions are 755 for directories and 644 for files)
  • Perform password changes once a month for ftp and admin area
  • **Check the access computers with anti-virus (for example, Dr.Web CureIT), once a month; **Check the CMS for updated passwords
  • Update your CMS;
  • Regularly update the OS and software;
  • **Make sure you don't install any third party modules to your CMS;***Use a licensed software license
  • **use the licensed builds of CMS and only. Buildings that are "nulled" in 90% contain backdoors, which allow you to use your site and server for scammers
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