Configuring the WireGuard App on Android

Instructions for setting up WireGuard VPN on Android

Installing WordPress on Virtual Hosting

Instructions on how to quickly install CMS WordPress on Virtual Hosting

Configuring OpenVPN on Windows

Instructions for setting up a VPN connection using the OpenVPN protocol on Windows

Mail Notifications in ISPmanager5

Description of the Mail Notifications module in the ISPmanager5 control panel

Adding GZIP compression for WWW domain in ISPmanager

Tutorial on adding the GZIP data compression module to the ISPmanager control panel


Deploy popular applications, on our high-performance cloud servers, at the click of a button.

Installing Docker in Ubuntu 18.04

Instructions for installing Docker Community Edition (CE) in Ubuntu 18.04

Installing Docker Compose in Ubuntu 18.04

Docker Compose installation guide in Ubuntu 18.04

Installing Node.js in Ubuntu 18.04

Instructions for installing Node.js on Ubuntu 18.04

Using Docker in Ubuntu 18.04

Instructions for Docker Community Edition (CE) in Ubuntu 18.04

Logging WWW requests in ISPmanager5

Your web-server keeps a log of hits for each WWW domain, by analyzing the log you can get statistical information about its visits.

Installing and configuring Memcached in Ubuntu

Memcached Software Installation and Configuration Guide in Ubuntu


Deploy popular applications, on our high-performance cloud servers, at the click of a button.

Installing Docker in Ubuntu 20.04

Instructions for installing Docker Community Edition (CE) in Ubuntu 20.04

Using Docker in Ubuntu 20.04

Instructions for Docker Community Edition (CE) in Ubuntu 20.04

Ansible for Ubuntu 18.04

How to install and configure Ansible on Ubuntu 18.04